Summer’s Slipping Slowly

See that? That was alliteration.

Anyways, I’ve been kicked out of both conference rooms in the Mayor’s office, so I’m sitting in the lobby area with the other intern and the receptionist. I really love the receptionist. She’s a freakin’ riot and a gosh darn sweetheart. So I’m sitting on a burgundy couch that’s well oiled and really luxurious looking… I don’t think it’d be comfy to sleep on. I think it’d smell like leather and that oil that they rub on couches like this to make sure the leather doesn’t crack. This couch isn’t even like buttah’ leather. It might be PVC for all I know. Something cool I saw in a cabinet today. Pens made from cardboard and a woodchip for the clip-y part thing where you stick it in your pocket. I don’t make it sound very aesthetically appealing, but they’re cute and ECO-FRIENDLY!

Tomorrow’s my last day in here for the summer. I tried escaping, but my boss is really keen on me staying through the fall semester. But here’s the catch, she’s moving to a different department of City Hall. I guesssss she’ll probably be better suited in her new position. I guess…. I liked her. She has a lot of sass. And I really like her southern accent.

Next train of thought, it’s hot as balls here. 115°F heat index? Really??? Really. I wanna punch something, but that would probably cause me to break into a sweat that would probably flood the area of where I am sitting. Just kidding. I really don’t sweat that much. Only when it’s super humid outside and I’m jogging. Then I get the gross forehead drippy thing going on. That’s about it. Why did I just tell you that? I don’t know. I probably just broke a fuckin’ girl rule right there.

NEWS FLASH. Prop 8 was repealed this afternoon. My thoughts: Okay, fine. Federally it might be recognized as legally alright to marry whomever you may see fit, but until the majority of America accepts it to be the social norm, they’ll just keep appealing it. Look what happened in Argentina. The government passed a law, but the country’s Catholic church is calling it blasphemy and refuses to acknowledge it. NEWS FLASH 2. August 26 is the 90th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment. I haven’t voted yet, but I’m registered and going to exercise my abilities when it sees fit. Haha I still have the 50’s housewife dreams though. Sigh.

So this couch is officially hurting my butt.